Monday, July 27, 2009

Wakhan Trek - In Dushanbe

Quick update as the email is crap here.

Trying to start this trek in the wakhan seam difficult.

We arrive ok and met 2 of the group at istanbul airport. Arrived in Dushanbe the captial of Tajikistan at 3:40 the morning ok. But nothing seams to be going well on this trip as Marc the guy from the office bags did not aarrive and was left in Istanbul. It will get here on thursday Inshallah (if god wills).

The london and main part of the treking group consist of 9 people including the TV presenter Kate Humble ???? are at the monent flying to Istanbul and hope to pick up a Tajikistan airways fly the following day to arrive here tuesday evening. If on they will fly with Turkish ariline on wednesday night to arrive ealy thursday morning.

So the plan. I am taking to group here as normal plan to the border. If the London arrive on Tajik they will catchup up wednesday night.
If they fly Turkish they with meet us again at the border but we will have a day walk in another area on the way to the border.

I hope the plan works.

Wish me luck

Probably want hear from me in a few weeks no internet where I am going.

Take care and have fun


Ade Summers

Check out My Website

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