Thursday, August 27, 2009

Ade on the India Pakistan Border‏

Hi all hope alls good.

No I am not going in to Pakistan but would love to.

I am in Amritsar to visit the Golden Temple and the amazing but werid India Pskistan border closing ceremony. After a buisy day getting organised for my next to trip I decided to jump on a train early the following morning and get myself to Amristar, home of the Sikh's and their amazing Golden temple.

I arrived this morning a bit tired but fine and headed straight to the Temple. It bought back a few memories as i stayed there for 3 days on my overland trip back in 95. You can stay there for free (but should really leave a good donation) and just hang out with all the pilgrims.

After that I headed to the India Pakistan border for the flag lowering and closing ceremony. Such as strange thing. The 2 sets of border guards have a very well choreographed routine to close the gates and lower the flag. You may have seen it on Micheal Pallin Himalaya programme. I will post some pic's and video soon.

Off exploring Amritsar tomorrow then early train to Delhi the next and time to start work.

all the best


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